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- $4af|1-D!crosoft:
- $5af
- $6af
- $7af
- |2-The Truth!
- $8af
- $9af
- $aaf
- $baf
- $caf
- $fe0
- By
- $fb0 TF-RipOffs
- $eaf
- We, TF-RipOffs, have the foul truth about D!crosoft, and their ploy to
- $ebfstamp out all the competition (thus leading them to rule the world, we
- might add) by releasing their sub-standard "software" and claiming it as
- $ecf"da best in dah biz".
- Well we, TF-RipOffs, bring you the real scandel, that D!crosoft, are
- $edfinfact, selling re-cycled diagrams. There, let the truth be known.
- $ed5
- We invited the boss of D!crosoft, Mr D!ckmond Sknom, to give his "side of
- $de5the story" (as it were). But all we recieved was this statement sent by
- fax:
- $fff
- "Piss Off!"
- $daf
- As you can probably see, D!crosoft are very rude and extremely violent.
- $dcfInfact, one of our spokesman, a Mr BootBlock, got assaulted when he went
- round to their offices. Here's what happened, go on Mr BootBlock, tell
- $defeveryone what happened:
- $fff
- "Bladdy `ell man! There woz 5 of `em! No no at leest 19 of `em, and
- they `ad big whips! Yeh, that'z it! 22 of `em - and they had two
- pitbulls a bloke! Gawd, wot cud of I dun, man! As I sed, their woz 27
- of `em - AND they `ad a ... a mah-sheen gun eech! I fort I woz gunna'
- dye! I no I'm a big boy, butt c'mon, they're did unt' `ave too bee 34
- of `em, did their?! *sniff* "
- $4af
- Back to the story of the re-cycled diagrams ....
- $f8a
- While looking through some very old (and quite bad) shareware, we came
- across an "amazing" reference diagram of a PeeCee keyboard by a one
- $f9acompany going by the name D!crosoft. It looked somehow familiar. Then
- it hit us, it was EXACTLY the same as the keyboard reference diagram -
- for the Amiga (with little modification) - by a one D!crosoft !
- $faa
- We even found a reference diagram of a MOUSE, and a PeeCee INSTALLATION
- $fbaDISK - which also led us to believe they're re-cycled as well. Not
- looking good, is it?
- $fcaAfter we had a nice little chat with the Trading Standards Council, we
- were told that D!crosoft had been in trouble many times before. After
- $fdafinally ripping off a diskbox diagram, they had their trading licence
- taken and were told never to trade again. Looking even worst, eh?
- $feaSo now we are led to believe that D!crosoft, yes, D!CROSOFT, are trading
- WITHOUT a licence, thus breaking the law.
- $ffa
- So we, TF-RipOffs, urge you, the honest as a puppy sat next to a pile of
- $ffbpoo public, NOT to buy anything advertised by D!crosoft.
- $ffb
- We, TF-RipOffs, are proud to have brought JUSTICE, to this great land
- $ffcof ours, England.
- -
- Mr TF-RipOffs' Boss.
- $fff
- $ffe
- $ffd
- $ffc
- |2-ARE
- $ffb
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- $ff0 - A wibbling old slapper, last week.